Tes Asakusa

The son of two domans, Tes was born in the village of Hinode near Doma. Having lost his village to a Garlean attack in his early childhood, his parents fled to the New World with him, settling down in Tuliyollal. Growing up there amongst a great variety of people from all sorts of races, Tes grew curious of the world and what there is to learn and see. Having picked up the profession of a Viper in his early teen years, the knowledge-hungry viera travels across Etheirys, sometimes taking mercenary jobs and enjoying his travels."When we are small the world seems so large, almost endless. Many lose that vision when they grow up, only seeing and caring for what is within their eyesight...but that never happened to me. Quite the opposite, it only grew even larger, and I want to see as much as I can!"
- Tes Asakusa



Tes Asakusa was born as the only child to Hiko and Mirai Asakusa in the village Hinode, located near Doma. From early on he was very curious of the world around him, from the species of people and animals to the history of how things like Doma came to be. Tes would sometimes sneak out of the village to explore it's surroundings despite his parents having warned him not to due to the Garlean occupation of Doma. When he was just 7 years old, one day the Garlean forces attacked Hinode to expand their territory. Hiko and Mirai fled with Tes, leaving their home behind as the village was fully destroyed. Many of the people who lived there were either taken captive or killed if they defended themselves. Fleeing to the coast, they noticed a lot of people getting on ships, seemingly fleeing. They learned that many villages were attacked simultaneously, Hinode being one of them. The Asakusa's boarded one of the ships, hoping to find safety and shelter, or even a new home. The ship ended up in Limsa Lominsa in south-western Eorzea. The eastern refugees were given shelter there for the time being while Chief Admiral Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn and the other Grand Companies debate what to do. Nearly a month later it was decided that the refugees would be split amongst the cities the Grand Companies are situated in, with some of them having priorities on people with certain jobs. Tes' parents were not happy with that decision as his father is a leatherworker and that would mean they would be sent to Gridania, the closest major city to Ilsabard and Garlean territory. In fear of having their home destroyed once again, Tes' father came up with a plan for his family to secretely board a ship which was set for the new world, Tural. While successful, the family was discovered to be unregistered on board by the captain after a day out on sea but piecing together that they were Doman refugees, he did not mind taking them to Tuliyollal.
After a short stop in Sharlayan the ship set sails straight for Tural. After days on the rough seas they finally arrived in the new world, though trouble found them quick. The captain of the ship had accepted to take them to Tuliyollal, but the local authorities noticed that they were not from here. They were brought before the Dawnservant, Gulool Ja Ja, to whom they pleaded to remain in Tuliyollal since their home was destroyed. The two-headed mamool ja accepted their plea, understanding how difficult it must be, permitting them to stay in Tuliyollal.

Teen and early adult


Tes at 7 years old, seeing Tuliyollal for the first time:

Information & Personality

Race: Veena Viera
Age: 25 Summers
Nameday: 24th Sun of the 4th Astral Moon
Eye Color: Light Yellow
Hair Color: Red-ish Brown
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Single)
Affiliation: Travelling Mercenary
Ancestry: Hinode/Doma
Tes is a laid back person, often spending his free time training or wandering wherever he drifts off to. He has a very gentle personality, he will do anything to protect the people in front of him. While his mentor regards him as gifted in the arts of the Viper, Tes prefers to handle things without the need for violence. Despite travelling alone most of the time, he greatly enjoys the company of others, perhaps even seeking something more...Parents:Hiko Asakusa
Father, a leatherworker working in Tuliyollal
Mirai Asakusa
Mother, assists Hiko at his work
Going out for food and drinks, joking around, relaxing, training, long talks, shenanigans
People with no manners, no sense of humor, crowded areas, cowardice,
talking behind his back, people with no common sense

Tes, now 25 years old:


Viper / Mercenary

The art of the Viper is a very unique combat-profession that has it's origins in the new world, Tural. The people who founded this profession sought a power that would help them overcome even the most fearsome and dangerous of beasts, thus they studied a creature that constantly battles foes greater than itself, the viper. Having obtained a crimson Viper job stone from his mentor, Wheski'ja, Tes spent a lot of time meditating with it to peer into the memories of it's forebearers. Learning and studying the records of other vipers of past and present, he ever evolves in combat, coming up with new tricks and ways to overcome his opponent.
Furthermore, Tes works as a mercenary but is very strict with the type of contracts he takes, only accepting those that are for a good cause, like protecting a convoy of goods or citizens, slaying wild beasts endangering civilians or even VIP protection in rare instances. He has been contracted by the Bozjan Resistance briefly since they needed manpower for their assault on Castrum Lacus Litore.

Tes always keeps certain pieces of equipment on him for when he ventures out:
- A set of twinfangs, usually the Palaka Saberfangs
- Compass and map
- Leather water flask, stay hydrated
- Minor field rations for his ventures

Roleplay Extras

Some additional side-facts about Tes:- Tes is rather clumsy when it comes to crafting, much to the surprise of his parents who are highly capable crafters- He keeps his weapons within reach, always at the ready- Tes likes to drink, though at a certain point he becomes very thoughtful and a little too honest- The scar above and below his right eye happened when he was training with his twinfang swords combined, the lack of experience had him miscalculate, he doesn't like to speak about it- He tried his hand at spellcasting, though did not show as much affinity for it, he has however learned the basics such as transfering aether to others- As a plan B for dire situations, Tes' mentor Wheski'ja trained him in hand-to-hand combat- Tes is rather insecure when it comes to women, he is not completely inexperienced, but not confident enough to the point where his mind doesn't go blank- He has mixed feelings about being a mercenary, it is a work often frowned upon due to many mercenaries doing anything for a handful of gil, Tes strictly sticks to contracts for the right cause and tries his best to better the image of mercenaries- His philosophy on his choice of clothing is practicality > fashion, though he tries best to at least look presentable he is usually seen with his travelling attire unless he doesn't plan on leaving a city for a bit or if a friend invites him- Despite his large collection of twinfangs, some with special uses thanks to their unique designs, Tes favors the Palaka Saberfangs, furthermore he occasionally likes to utilize a dagger in his off-hand for versatility